You like the wind``
sometime approaching me``sometime left me
You like the Sky``
clean n comfortable ``
But if it rains,it will thunder``
let me scare n sad``
let me scare n sad``
You Like the sea``
calm n clean`
The waves has been swinging``the tempo like your hand
Your like the King``
let me worry `` let me see`
calm n clean`
The waves has been swinging``the tempo like your hand
Your like the King``
let me worry `` let me see`
You Like the shooter
Caught my heart , let u ply let u bully
then let me dead ``
You like my Prince``
let me happy let me sad
Caught my heart , let u ply let u bully
then let me dead ``
You like my Prince``
let me happy let me sad
But I Know``
those thing are DREAM =)
those thing are DREAM =)
Let me disappointed .............................
Sad Sad Sad =(
Sad Sad Sad =(
the August result about me, I'm happy listen this result
Not so higher , but I have passed a total average.
Not so higher , but I have passed a total average.
The First is my classmate Hui Ning =)
Second is me !!
Very happy to hear that , i was very surprised !
Second is me !!
Very happy to hear that , i was very surprised !
I believe that the effort can be successful !
Thanks my family n my friend``
Always support me at anything =)
Thanks my family n my friend``
Always support me at anything =)
12.9.11 中秋节 Monday
为什么还是会有一股心痛的感觉 ? 很多事情很多人不懂 不能说、不能解释
只能默默地让自己承受 算了吧 这是你自己的性格造成的 你活该 !
早点解脱 那不是很好吗 ? 亲爱的 对 那很好
有过好几次想对你说 我爱你 但是都忍住不说了 因为你曾经说过 别再让我呼唤起我们的回忆
只有自己 才懂自己做了什么
我 还回得了头吗 ? 而他还是他 =)
昨天真的很开心 从所未有的开心 因为那种感觉、关系比我们在一起的时候 更密切
很多人都问我 是不是要跟他在回一起了? 而我每次的回答 却都只是摇头、苦笑
频密的联系 造成他人的误会 也间接的造成了自己的干扰
傻瓜 你真的太傻了
他却说 每个人在争取爱情的时候 谁不像傻瓜 ?
所以我祝福他、我会为他们祈祷的 =)
别再哭了 多不值得 笑一笑把爱情看透彻 =)